In part 1 of this article, we examined the continued increases in the frequency and magnitude of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, the growing potential for collateral damage at the datacenter and regional network level, and the trend toward multi-vector DDoS attacks. We will now explore how a “defence-in-depth” approach is necessary to protect your business-critical […]

The Carbon60 Blog
The Truth about DDoS Attacks: Part 1
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a plague on the Internet. In the last 5 years, the magnitude of DDoS attacks has steadily increased to the point that in a recent NYT interview Matthew Prince from CloudFlare compared DDoS attacks to “nuclear bombs” in their capacity to cause wide-spread damage. While, as the CEO […]
Integrating SharePoint and System Center Orchestrator
The Problem SharePoint workflows, which are based on Microsoft WF, are a great way to automate processes that require human interaction and can be easily managed through SharePoint designer, without any custom development. But when it comes to automating IT processes, Microsoft provides us with another workflows engine called Orchestrator (part of System center). The […]
The “Edge/Origin” Cloud: A New Paradigm
Edge/Origin Cloud Hosting: A New Paradigm While reliability, security, performance, and affordability remain the fundamental business objectives of all web hosting solutions, the best way of achieving these objectives continues to change with rapid shifts in web hosting technologies and services. The most recent and hyped change is the emergence of cloud hosting platforms. Unquestionably, […]
Validating User Resources for Deploying a Service Template
The System Center VMM PowerShell module is very rich and contains more than 400 cmdlets, but it is missing some trivial cmdlets IMO that will help determine if a specific user has enough resources to deploy a new virtual machine or a new service template. Initially it sounds like an easy task, just get the […]